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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Python Code Sprint 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Posted by ALL RABBI 1 comment

First ever Python Code Sprint organized jointly by Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) ended succesfully on 15th June 2015. On the closing ceremony, Mr S M Ashraful Islam, executive director of BCC handed over the certificates to 18 participants. He wishes that the participants will be able to apply the technique and knowledge in their professional life
The occasion was also address by Mr Enamul Kabir, Director, Training of BCC, Enayet Hossain Rajib, Joint Secretary of BdOSN and Mr Tanvir Shuvo the camp coordinator.
The python code sprint, a five day long 60 hours onsite training and project building activities were started on 11th instant. Before that 18 participants were selected through a online exam for 51 applicant. The sprint covered different issues related to design, develop and deploy a complete project from scratch to the end. The participants learn the industry best practices from the industry leaders as well as get a chance to apply them in a real life project. Mr Enayet Hossain Rajib of BdOSN told that they will organize similar programme in different parts of the country in coming days.
The camp was facilitated by the Mafinar Khan, Mozammel Haque Mostaque Ahammed Mohammad Tahmidul Islam Tahmid Rafi Mahfuz Aziz and Tanvir Shuvo while Ms Naima Zakaria acted as an online mentor from Norway.

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